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Tuesday 24 January 2017


Hi Scribblerz!

So I've been thinking a lot about movies and how there has to be a bad guy and a good guy, how the good guy is the superhero and everyone in the city loves him.

Sitting at home and watching the movies kinda makes you wish you were a superhero with special powers and cool abilities, you know what I say to that? I say "Why not?", why can't we be a superhero? Why do we need someone else to be our superhero? We could be our own superhero and save ourselves, why do you need someone else to do it?

Being our own superhero isn't really that hard, all you need is a reason to fight, a goal and of course a super juice or super food. Popeye's super food was spinach and jimmy neutron drinks Purple Flurp before working on anything so maybe your super drink is warm honey and lemon water, a cup of coffee or even an ice cold lime slushie.

"Life's difficulties are opportunities to be a superhero" - Unknown

P.S don't forget to share the posts if you like them, comment and if you want you can follow me on Twitter @ziakinz123 because I tweet when I have a new post also follow me on goggle+ for blog updates, you can follow me on Tumblr also at bubblingwonderland or subscribe to email notifications, don't forget to click the little +1 button at the end because it helps spread the message, but most importantly ...

Remember that YOU are in charge of how you feel.

Thank you for reading and have an amazing day!

xoxo ♡