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Tuesday, 1 December 2015

Happy Holidays

It's the holidays!
Happy Holidays to all my readers, hope you had a lovely thanksgiving and I hope you have a very merry Christmas and a happy new year :-)

So because it's the holidays I thought I'd talk about how I generally get overwhelmed when being around too many people for a long period of time. Firstly no I don't hate people (well generally) and no I'm not a strange weird being who sits in dark places and reflects on life and the choices I've made (although that sounds like a pretty awesome idea) but lets get back to the actual topic...

When I'm around a lot of people for a long period of time I get overwhelmed and a lot of the time snappy and irritable with the people around me so what I do (or try my best to do) is stop what I'm doing and breath (my brother and sister make fun of me all the time about doing this but it helps sooo judge away), I count to 10 and walk away from everyone to my room because it's quiet and I can be alone. I would like to admit that yes I'm an introvert (A term introduced by the psychologist Carl Jung to describe a person whose motives and actions are directed inward. Introverts tend to be preoccupied with their own thoughts and feelings and minimize their contact with other people.) and need time to myself to sort of "recharge", I normally chill in my room, read a book, listen to music or go on social media, oh and I also write blogs now #de-stress&unwind.  After that long process (which takes a few hours or a whole day for me) I normally feel better and can socialize again but an alternative method would be to go to sleep and when you get up you'll feel refreshed (but not me because I'm not really a morning person so I feel refreshed only after an hour of waking up but that's a topic for another blog)

Well anyway I hope this post helps you be more cheerful this holiday season or just helps you feel better when you feel overwhelmed, on that note I'll leave you with this quote
"No family is perfect, we argue, we fight, we even stop talking to each other at times. But in the end, family is family. The love will always be there" - Unknown

P.S don't forget to share the posts if you like them, comment and if you want you can follow me on Twitter @ziakinz123 because I tweet when I have a new post also follow me on goggle+ for blog updates and don't forget to click the little +1 button at the end. Thank you for reading!

xoxo ♡

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