Hi Scribblers
So recently I've been either feeling like I'm stuck in a place in my life for too long like what exactly am i doing? Am i going anywhere? And if i am, then where exactly am i going? Once these questions start coming to mind I suddenly get anxious and overwhelmed and start panicking. I constantly need to remind myself to calm down and just take a deep breath.
I realised that i can't be the only one who feels like this from time to time, i decided that maybe i could share some of my coping techniques with you and you can share yours in the comments section too.
The first thing i do when i start getting anxious is remind myself to breath and that it will be okay, i then asses the situation and find out what exactly I am anxious about, lastly try to solve the problem and to help myself calm down i listen to music or read a book. This is just a few ways to help with anxiety but they help me alot, what do you do to deal with anxiety or when you feel overwhelmed?
"You have it in within you to rise above whatever is presently bringing you down" - Unknown
P.S don't forget to share the posts if you like them, comment and if you want you can follow me on Twitter @ziakinz123 because I tweet when I have a new post also follow me on goggle+ for blog updates, you can follow me on Tumblr also at bubblingwonderland or subscribe to email notifications, don't forget to click the little +1 button at the end because it helps spread the message, but most importantly ...
Remember that YOU are in charge of how you feel.
Thank you for reading and have an amazing day!
xoxo ♡