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Sunday, 16 October 2016


Hi Scribblers!

Can you believe it's already October? Everywhere you look you see Halloween decorations and pumpkin flavoured everything, so before I go further let me wish you all a Happy Halloween!!!

For this month's post i would like to focus on Mental Health Awareness.

The theme this year is Learn and Grow and that basically means that we should learn more about mental health and grow from it.

One of the most command mental health problems is Depression, did you know that 350 million people worldwide suffer from depression, that's 5% of the world's population (and no if you feel sad every once in a while you are not depressed and that doesn't make you strange or weak in any way at all). Everyone suffers from depression at some stage in their life weather you're depressed about school, work or even socialising with people, even I occasionally suffer from depression and feel super down and not willing to face the world but you know what? That's okay, it's normal and happens to everyone once in a while. Alot of celebrities have even come out and spoke about their depression and how they've dealt with it in various ways that best suit them and that's the important thing, dealing with it and finding a way that best suits you, (mine happens to be writing and listening to music or even reading a book) so find a hobby that will make you smile and give you a reason to look forward to the next day, everyday.

No matter what type of depression you have, suffer from or know of someone who suffered from it, the important thing to remember is that you CAN get through it, some people need medication and some people just need the will power to eliminate the negativity and feel better. This month I have a challenge for all of you, if we all try to help or speak to one person who is suffering from depression it could make a difference even if it's just a small difference. So Scribblers let's help people and not judge people who have depression, let's spread love and accept people for who that are.

"It does not matter how slowly you go as long as your don't stop" - Confucius

P.S don't forget to share the posts if you like them, comment and if you want you can follow me on Twitter @ziakinz123 because I tweet when I have a new post also follow me on goggle+ for blog updates, you can follow me on Tumblr also at bubblingwonderland or subscribe to email notifications, don't forget to click the little +1 button at the end because it helps spread the message, but most importantly ...

Remember that YOU are in charge of how you feel.

Thank you for reading and have an amazing day!

xoxo ♡