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Tuesday, 12 April 2016


Heartbreak, something we all know, felt or heard about. Heartbreak, that terrible lost feeling you get when you realise it's over. Heartbreak, the painful feeling you get in your chest and everything turns grey and gloomy (although gloomy weather is my favourite).

Your first heartbreak is something you can't forget, you're so young, naive and innocent. You get all dramatic, playing sad love songs, dressing emo in black and you feel like the world is coming to a stand still. You do silly things like cut your hair because he said "I like your long hair" or you start wearing hoodies and swag pants because he liked that you dressed girly.

After a while things get better and you stop being depressed (eating 2 McFlurry's , a slab of chocolate and binge watching Dear John everyday) and suddenly you see that it does get better. You realise that you can still go on with life.

One day you walking in the mall and someone catches your eye, you feel the butterflies in your stomach and that feeling comes back, when you realise "Oh no, there we go again"

I guess what I'm trying to say is that no matter how hard times are, you always find a way to get through it and in the end you learn something out of it. I believe that everything happens for a reason and all the heartache, hardship and worries only make you stronger.

So to anyone out there that's going through a difficult time just stay strong, smile and be positive because before you know it everything will be better.

"Cry. Forgive. Learn. Move on. Let your tears water the seeds of your future happiness" - Steve Maraboli.

P.S don't forget to share the posts if you like them, comment and if you want you can follow me on Twitter @ziakinz123 because I tweet when I have a new post also follow me on goggle+ for blog updates or subscribe to email notifications and don't forget to click the little +1 button at the end. Thank you for reading!

xoxo ♡

Sunday, 3 April 2016

I Can Do It

Pain, suffering, tears, heartache...

I could go on and on with this list and mention  about a million different reasons to give up on life, give up on someone or even give up on yourself. I mean each and every one of us have a breaking point right? But what makes us fighters is the will power to move forward, move through it all.

Now where does that will power cone from? If we believe it's something worth fighting for, that will power will come naturally, and if it doesn't maybe you need a new perspective. Try looking at the situation from another person's point of view.

Most importantly you need to believe in yourself and be able to push through the boundaries you set for yourself.

"Hardships often prepare ordinary people for an extraordinary destiny" - C.S Lewis

P.S don't forget to share the posts if you like them, comment and if you want you can follow me on Twitter @ziakinz123 because I tweet when I have a new post also follow me on goggle+ for blog updates or subscribe to email notifications and don't forget to click the little +1 button at the end. Thank you for reading!

xoxo ♡