So it's almost the end of January and I've been thinking and thinking about what to write. My first thought was "hmmmm what about something to do with new year resolutions?", but then I thought it's too late in January to write that. So I sat down and scribbled idea's on a paper and finally it came to me, Overthinking ... I've been doing it for the last hour (well actually my whole life) and it seems to be a fitting topic.
So the definition of overthinking is to think about something too much or for too long. Now to me that's kind of strange because how do you know when you've thought enough? What is the limit of thinking? How long should you think? When does it fall into the category of overthinking?
Overthinking is very common amongst us all and we tend to do it very often, most of the time without even noticing we're doing it. Have you been in a situation where you take a picture and you like it so you decide to post it on instagram, but suddenly you feel the need to look at the picture 100 times, edit the small mark off your forehead, make sure your double chin isn't too visible, then you think about the hashtags you're going to use (because obviously that's just as important to get as many likes possible). So why do we do it? Why do we care about what other people think?
Society today has put so much pressure on us to fit in that everything we do we tend to overthink it. We are constantly waiting for someone's affirmation before making any decisions in our own life, by allowing overthinking to rule your life, do you think you will ever truly be happy with yourself?
I leave you with this "Overthinking is a dream killer. Sometimes you can drown yourself in your own thoughts" - Steve Maraboli
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xoxo ♡