So I've been looking at this blank page for weeks now and I can't find nothing to talk/write about and today while scrolling through my twitter feed I seen a tweet about pain and the first thing that came to mind was a quote from the movie The Fault In Our Stars "The thing about pain is that it demands to be felt" John Green but it was recited by the character Augustus Waters (who is actually really amazing and all guys should be taking notes from him, #JustSaying), anyway the quote made me think, yes pain demands to be felt but once it's felt then what? What do you do with the pain?
I feel that once you are in pain or feeling pain we all tend to be negative about everything around us. Why don't we take the pain and use it to fuel ourself to do something to improve on yourself, to motivate yourself and achieve something we've always wanted?
I always remind myself that everything that happened or will happen to me, good or bad has and will continue to make me ME, make me SPECIAL and make me UNIQUE. I am fully aware of the pain that I have felt and I know for a fact that if I did not go through it I would have been a different person with a different personality and maybe I would not be writing this blog right now. If you are reading this and going through any type of pain remind yourself that it won't last forever and that it will get better, maybe not tomorrow but it will get better just believe in yourself and fight through it because you are worth it and your happiness is something you should always work towards.
So today's quote is
"Pain makes people change but it also makes them stronger" - Unknown
P.S don't forget to share the posts if you like them, comment and if you want you can follow me on Twitter @ziakinz123 because I tweet when I have a new post
xoxo ♡